Now showing items 3351-3358 of 3358

    • Water retentivity and environmental impact assessment in the headwaters of the Chambira micro-watershed, San Martin region 

      Pinedo Canta, Juan J.; Rojas Alava, Fiorella; Guerrero Escobedo, Adolfo E.; Azabache Liza, Yrwin F.; Rodriguez Espinoza, Ronald F.; Ramirez Chujutalli, María (Elsevier, 2023-05-12)
      Acceso abierto
      The study found that maximum precipitation and water retention occur in February for the Cacao sector and in October and February for the Caliza sector, with minimum values in July. The correlation between precipitation ...
    • Wave Climate Analysis on The South-East Pacific 

      De La Torre, Dennys; Ortega, Arturo (IEEE, 2022)
      Acceso restringido
      In this work, a study of the wave climate in a region of the Peruvian Sea Basin is carried out using wave spectral data. Time series of 10-year buoy ocean data are processed. The analysis of the wave climate presented that ...
    • Wave energy distribution and direction assessment in the Peru Basin 

      De La Torre, Dennys; Ortega, Arturo (IEEE, 2022)
      Acceso restringido
      The interest in harnessing the wave energy resource has been reflected in a large number of assessments of this resource around the world. These are aimed at the installation of wave energy converters and thus contribute ...
    • WAWA: Mobile educational tool for learning the Kichwa language for the communities of the Napo River in Loreto, Peru 

      Ocampo Yahuarcani, Isaac; Saravia Llaja, Lelis Antony; Nuñez Satalaya, Angela Milagros; Gamboa Cruzado, Javier Arturo; Alfaro Acuña, Anthony Johan; García Díaz, Jose Edgar; Gutierrez Gómez, Edgar; Ayarza Rengifo, Jorge Armando; Del Aguila, Rosario (IEEE, 2022-05-31)
      Acceso restringido
      This paper presents an experience related to the design, development and validation of the Wawa mobile application to be used as an educational tool for learning the Kichwa language for the communities of the Napo River ...
    • Web design and its effect on key variables associated with online consumer behavior in the retail sector 

      García-Salirrosas, Elizabeth Emperatriz; Rondon-Eusebio, Rafael Fernando; Millones-Liza, Dany Yudet (Growing Science, 2023)
      Acceso abierto
      This study examines the effect of web design on the generation of electronic word of mouth (EWOM) through the satisfaction of e-commerce consumers in the retail sector. To this end, three main objectives were proposed: (1) ...
    • Why Students Find It Difficult to Finish their Theses? 

      Bayona-Oré, Sussy; Bazan, Ciro (Ekip Buro Makineleri A., 2020-12)
      Acceso abierto
      This study focuses on the reasons why students from private universities who have finished their studies, but not their research work, a requirement to obtain their degree. Several studies agree that the supervision process ...
    • Written Composition and Quality of the Argumentative Text from Self-regulated Mediation 

      Gotopo, Navas Soratna; Rosendo, Garcés Eduardo; Ramírez, Guanipa Frank (IEEE Computer Society, 2022)
      Acceso restringido
      This work discloses the results of an investigation whose objective was to determine the incidences of self-regulation in the process of writing argumentative texts in university students. The sample consisted of 20 students, ...
    • Zarit Caregiver Burden Interview: Psychometric Properties in Family Caregivers of People with Intellectual Disabilities 

      Domínguez-Vergara, Julio; Santa-Cruz-Espinoza, Henry; Chávez-Ventura, Gina (MDPI, 2023)
      Acceso abierto
      Caregivers of people with intellectual disabilities may feel overburdened in their work and experience negative psychological consequences. The purpose of this instrumental study was to determine the evidence of internal ...