Now showing items 1-20 of 47

    • Influence of Corporate Environmental Responsibility on Dimensions of Brand Equity in the Sustainable Food Industry 

      Carbajal-Rubio, Luis Alex; García-Salirrosas, Elizabeth Emperatriz; Villar-Guevara, Miluska; Escobar-Farfán, Manuel; Millones-Liza, Dany Yudet (Sage Journals, 2023)
      Acceso abierto
      The objective of this study is to propose a theoretical model where corporate environmental responsibility (CER) influences brand loyalty (BL), perception of brand quality (PQ), brand awareness (BA), and the comparison ...
    • Coaching en la Gestión del Talento humano en docentes universitarios de la facultad de ingeniería 

      Gamonal LLatas, Maria Vilma; Risco Sernaque, Madelaine Violeta; Saldivar Montalvo, Norma Raquel; Anticona-Valderrama, Daniela M.; Mendoza Damas, Marleni; Serna Landivar, Leslie; Anticona Valderrama, Fernanda (LACCEI, 2023)
      Acceso abierto
      El objetivo principal de esta investigación fue determinar la importancia del coaching en la gestión del talento humano en los docentes universitarios de una universidad de Lima. La metodología utilizada es un enfoque ...
    • Responsabilidad social empresarial y greenwashing en una empresa exportadora de banano 

      Ruiz-Espinoza, Ashly; Cosio Borda, Ricardo Fernando; Ramírez-Briones, Lorena; Cajavilca-Gonzáles, Berenice; Buitron-Hurtado, Erika; Reyes-Carhuapoma, Tamara (LACCEI, 2023)
      Acceso abierto
      El objetivo de la investigación fue examinar la relación entre la responsabilidad social empresarial (RSE) y el greenwashing en una empresa exportadora de banano de Sullana durante el año 2023, con un enfoque centrado en ...
    • Application of the UTAUT model to estimate the factors that influence consumers' purchase intention in e-commerce in Lima-Peru 

      Vasquez-Solano, Brillyth Malena; De-La-Cruz-Rodriguez, Keyla Denith; Becerra-Sanchez, Juan Emerson; Garcia-Salirrosas, Elizabeth Emperatriz (Association for Computing Machinery, 2023)
      Acceso restringido
      The objective of this research is to know what are the factors that determine the purchase intention in e-commerce of consumers in Lima. The non-probabilistic convenience sampling technique was used, with a cross-section ...
    • Gender Pay Equity In Times Of Pandemic COVID-19: a Systematic Literature Review 

      Romero Bendezú, Anibal; Núñez Lira, Luis Alberto; Retamozo Riojas, Danny; Barazorda Puga, Nancy (JPB Review, 2023)
      Acceso abierto
      Purpose:Building on previous research on gender pay equality, the purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of the pandemic by determining whether or not it has increased existing pay discrepancies and ...
    • Factors of job Satisfaction That Influence Organisational Behavior: A Correlational Analysis in Event Companies 

      Mayuri-Ramos, Elizabeth; Melendez-Villanueva, Angel Gabriel; Conde-Beltran, Yuri Vanessa; Peralta-Ugaz, Woendy; Cordova-Buiza, Franklin (Proceedings of the International Conference on Tourism Research, 2023)
      Acceso restringido
      Organising an event is a process that integrates agents from various tourism sectors such as restaurants, hotels, travel agencies and transportation companies; and as in any organisation, it requires an adequate management ...
    • Scale to Evaluate Employee Experience: Evidence of Validity and Reliability in Regular Basic Education Teachers in the Peruvian Context 

      Acuña-Hurtado, Nilton; García-Salirrosas, Elizabeth Emperatriz; Villar-Guevara, Miluska; Fernández-Mallma, Israel (MDPI, 2023)
      Acceso abierto
      Research on employee experience is a topic that has been growing in recent decades. This study analyzes the validity and reliability of an employee experience scale in Peruvian teachers. The study had an instrumental design. ...
    • Retroalimentación y trabajo en equipo en estudiantes universitarios de una universidad nacional de Lima Metropolitana 

      Abad-Lezama, Irene Roxana; Pantigoso-Leython, Nathalí; Jara-Llanos, Gleny Secibel; Colina-Ysea, Félix José (Universidad Científica del Sur, 2023)
      Acceso abierto
      La retroalimentación formativa debe reflejarse como una estrategia cotidiana en la acción educativa. Por lo tanto, la investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la relación entre la retroalimentación ...
    • Student Perceptions of the Gamification Process in Virtual Learning Environments at University Level 

      Navas Gotopo, Soratna; Garces Rosendo, Eduardo Jesús; Flores Perozo, Inés del Carmen; Ramírez Sáenz, Carmen Soto; Raez Martínez, Haymin Teresa (Springer Link, 2023)
      Acceso restringido
      Gamification strategies are proved to motivate students while helping them develop the key skills related to a particular subject, especially when work- ing in virtual environments. During gamification students move forward, ...
    • The Role of Internet and Social Interactions in Advancing Waste Sorting Behaviors in Rural Communities 

      Wang, Xiaolan; Robladillo Bravo, Liz Maribel; Cosio Borda, Ricardo Fernando; Marcelo Quispe, Luis Alberto; Pajuelo Rodríguez, James Arístides; Ober, Józef; Ahmed, Nihal; Ahmed Khan, Nisar (MDPI, 2023)
      Acceso abierto
      Addressing the global challenge of sustainable waste management, this research investigates the influence of social dynamics and digital connectivity on rural residents’ willingness to adopt waste classification practices, ...
    • Influence of Self-Efficacy, Perceived Enjoyment and Ease of Use on Mathematics Learning Satisfaction in Virtual Environments 

      Millones-Liza, Dany Yudet; García-Salirrosas, Elizabeth Emperatriz; Apaza-Cáceres, Jesús Alfredo; Norabuena-Diaz, Rubén Ángel (Richtmann, 2023)
      Acceso abierto
      Within the educational context, mathematics is one of the areas that contributes to the development of logical skills and analytical abilities in students. Mastering these skills allows for ...
    • Using the Theory of Perceived Value to Determine the Willingness to Consume Foods from a Healthy Brand: The Role of Health Consciousness 

      Albornoz, Roger; García-Salirrosas, Elizabeth Emperatriz; Millones-Liza, Dany Yudet; Villar-Guevara, Miluska; Toyohama-Pocco, Gladys (MDPI, 2023)
      Acceso abierto
      Eating low amounts of healthy foods leads to high rates of diet-related diseases. How can we control and reduce the increase in these diseases? One of the recommendations is to improve nutritional competence, which means ...
    • Adaptation and Validation of the S-NutLit Scale to Assess Nutritional Literacy in the Peruvian Population 

      Chilón-Troncos, Rony Francisco; García-Salirrosas, Elizabeth Emperatriz; Millones-Liza, Dany Yudet; Villar-Guevara, Miluska (MDPI, 2023)
      Acceso abierto
      Maintaining good dietary practices is a factor that allows a better quality of life; therefore, it is necessary to promote health via the fundamental tool of nutritional literacy. In this context, this study aims to evaluate ...
    • Evidence of validity and reliability of a scale to evaluate knowledge management in third sector organizations 

      Bejarano-Chalá, Ruth Alexandra; García-Salirrosas, Elizabeth Emperatriz; Villar-Guevara, Miluska; Millones-Liza, Dany Yudet (RISTI - Revista Iberica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informacao, 2023)
      Acceso restringido
      The optimization of performance and acquisition of competitive advantage is the result of effective knowledge management, its scope in society is fundamental, due to its importance, the objective was to demonstrate the ...
    • The influence of quality culture on the intention to use Competence-Based people management software: An extension of the UTAUT model 

      Rosso, Fabrizio; Garcia-Salirrosas, Elizabeth (RISTI - Revista Iberica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informacao, 2023)
      Acceso restringido
      Quality certifications are gaining an increasingly strategic space within health organizations. Its proper adoption at all management levels strengthens the culture of quality and safety of patients being treated by more ...
    • Financial inclusion and entrepreneurship: Research agenda based on a bibliometric analysis from 2012 to 2022 

      Chávez Ruiz, Mervin Juan; García-Salirrosas, Elizabeth Emperatriz (RISTI - Revista Iberica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informacao, 2023)
      Acceso restringido
      The objective of this publication is to understand the trends in research on financial inclusion and entrepreneurship, as well as to present the main research topics for each study variable. Therefore, a descriptive study ...
    • Business Management as a Link Between Competitiveness and Sustainable Development in the Textile Sector 

      Marcelo Quispe, Luis Alberto; Papanicolau Denegri, Jorge Nicolás Alejandro; Pajuelo Rodríguez, James Arístides; Carrasco Ruiz, Ruth Esther; De La Cruz Montoya, David; Ramírez Lau, Sandra Cecilia (Richtmann, 2023)
      Acceso abierto
      Efficient resource management plays a crucial role in the sustainable development of companies, aiming to maximize economic performance, minimize environmental impacts, and contribute to social ...
    • Liderazgo Transformacional y la Calidad Educativa: Impulsando la Innovacion 

      Navas Gotopo, Soratna; Flores Perozo, Inés del Carmen; Ramírez Sáenz Soto, Carmen; Campos Rosendo, Nelson Jesús; Navas Gotopo, Soreiret Margarita; Navas Gotopo, Sorianny Meliana; Garcés Rosendo, Eduardo Jesús (Proceedings of the LACCEI international Multi-conference for Engineering, Education and Technology, 2023)
      Acceso abierto
      El objetivo principal de esta disertación es el de analizar el rol del Liderazgo Transformacional desde el punto de vista tecnológico, como herramienta para fortalecer la calidad educativa. Metodológicamente, se trabajó ...
    • Eficacia del liderazgo transformacional para el desarrollo de la buena práctica docente 

      Anticona-Valderrama, Daniela M.; Risco Sernaque, Madelaine Violeta; Rivas Moreano, Ana Beatriz; Saldivar Montalvo, Norma Raquel; Mendoza Damas, Marleni; Garcia Alvarez, Maria Ysabel; Serna-Landivar, José L. (Proceedings of the LACCEI international Multi-conference for Engineering, Education and Technology, 2023)
      Acceso abierto
      El liderazgo transformacional, está considerado como el liderazgo más positivo, debido a que produce el desarrollo de los colaboradores, este tipo de liderazgo organiza cursos de capacitación, los motiva a dar lo mejor de ...
    • Análisis de la Seguridad y la Calidad de Servicio: Una Percepción Ciudadana 

      Anticona-Valderrama, Daniela M.; Mendoza Damas, Marleni; Garcia Alvarez, Maria Ysabel; Serna-Landivar, Leslie K.; Rivas Moreano, Ana Beatriz; Risco Sernaque, Madelaine Violeta; Serna-Landivar, José L. (Proceedings of the LACCEI international Multi-conference for Engineering, Education and Technology 253, 2023)
      Acceso abierto
      El objetivo primordial de esta investigación fue analizar si existe relación entre la seguridad ciudadana y la calidad del servicio que brinda la comisaria de Zarumilla- Perú, con respecto a la metodología, fue de tipo ...