Now showing items 1-20 of 279

    • Lessons Learned and Software Process Improvement 

      Bayona Oré, Sussy; San Feliu, Tomas (Association for Computing Machinery, 2017-08)
      Acceso abierto
      Current methods focus on the aspects related to the lessons learned, feedback and information sharing, however many organizations do not establish feedback mechanisms for organizational learning with the lessons learned ...
    • TAM: A Reference Model For Mobile Cash Adoption 

      Bayona Orè, Sussy; Layva Rodriguez, Lizet (Association for Computing Machinery, 2017-08-28)
      Acceso abierto
      Several theories of adoption models have been developed. All of them have different constructs depending on their application. Select a model is a difficult task because all of them have strong behavioural elements. In ...
    • Big data: Applications and challenges 

      Bayona Oré, Sussy; Palomino Guerrero, Carla (International Business Information Management Association, 2018)
      Acceso restringido
      New technologies such as Internet of Things (IoT) and social media enable people to consciously and unconsciously generate large volumes of data daily, 24 hours a day and thus originated the concept of Big Data. The purpose ...
    • PMBOK as a Reference Model for Academic Research Management 

      Bayona, Sussy; Bustamante, Jose; Saboya, Nemias (Springer, 2018)
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      Nowadays, in different institutions of higher education there is a tendency towards quality, and even more so with the publication of the New University Law 30220, which reformed education to promote formative research. ...
    • Las tic en el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje en la universidad técnica de Cotopaxi, Latacunga, Ecuador 

      Chacusig Chisag, Juan Carlos; Bayona-Ore, Sussy; Quinchimbla Pisuña, Freddy (International Business Information Management Association, 2018)
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      The research is carried out looking at the current situation of ICT in the teaching-learning process at Ecuadorian public university of Cotopaxi province, Ecuador. Principals interviews and student and teacher surveys were ...
    • Limitaciones para Finalizar la Tesis: Caso de Estudio 

      Bayona-Oré, Sussy; Bazan, Ciro; Oblitas, Luis (International Business Information Management Association, 2018)
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      The students mostly complete the studies; however, they do not finish the Thesis an indispensable requirement for obtaining the degree. Thesis development is a complex process and has been denominated multiplicity. A factor ...
    • Rendimiento del Supervisor y el Desarrollo de Tesis sobre Tecnologías de Información 

      Bayona Ore, Sussy (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2018-06-28)
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      En los recientes años la demanda y la oferta de estudios de grado en tecnologías de información se ha incrementado. Los estudiantes en su mayoría culminan los estudios, sin embargo, ellos no culminan con la tesis, un ...
    • Mobile Device as a Support Tool in Student Learning 

      Bayona-Oré, Sussy; Pizarro Chavez, Dayana; Carrera Sicha, Luis (Association for Computing Machinery, 2018-08-22)
      Acceso abierto
      Nowadays people use mobile devices in different ways to make a profit. In this paper we present a literature review to know the use of the mobile devices as a learning tool, the factors that influence their use, and the ...
    • Expert Opinion Process: Applications in Education 

      Bayona-Ore, Luz; Fernández Zavala, Ronald; Luyo Cruz, María (ICETC '18: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Education Technology and Computers, 2018-10-26)
      Acceso abierto
      Expert opinion is a technique used in different areas of scientific research, which, in some way, guarantees its social and methodological validity. This method is also used as an instrument to make long-term predictions, ...
    • Modelos de Aceptación de Tecnologías de Información y Comunicaciones en Educación 

      Chancusig, Juan Carlos; Bayona-Orè, Sussy (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2019)
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      TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) is used in Computer Science research to collect feedback from users of Information Systems (SI). In various research on the adoption of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), TAM ...
    • Ñawinchay: sistema de bajo costo para facilitar la alfabetización Braille para personas ciegas 

      Ibarra, Manuel J.; Gamarra, Roel; Aquino, Mario; Ibañez, Vladimiro; Onofre, Carlos R.; Asto, Leonidas (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2019-07-15)
      Acceso restringido
      Este artículo describe el diseño y la implementación de un sistema de bajo costo para facilitar la Alfabetización en Braille para personas ciegas, estuvo orientado a maestros y estudiantes en escuelas de Apurímac Perú. ...
    • Mejora de Procesos Software: Gestión de Requisitos, Verificación y Validación 

      Bayona-Oré, Sussy; Chamilco, Josselyn; Perez, Dayvis (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2019-07-15)
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      En este artículo se presenta un caso de estudio sobre la aplicación de las buenas prácticas del modelo CMMI (Capability Maturity Model Integration) en una institución que desea mejorar el proceso de desarrollo software. ...
    • Usage of the BB84 Protocol for Communications in Pairs of Orbiting Satellites 

      Nieto-Chaupis, Huber (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2019-08-15)
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      We use the scheme of the BB84 protocol to estimate the Bit Error Rate (BER) between two satellites under the action of exchanging wireless communication inside the framework of the Internet of Space Things. The usage of ...
    • Compliance Assessment of ISO 21001:2018 Clause 8.5 in the Systems Engineering Program of Universidad Autónoma del Perú 

      Costa Faura, Marcel; Sanchez-Ruiz, Daniel; Tello, Paola; Tullume, Jimmy; Vilchez-Sandoval, Jesus (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2019-09)
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      The Universidad Autónoma del Perú (UA) implemented its Quality Management System in 2015 achieving the ISO 9001: 2015 certification in February 2019. This certification covers all the processes related to student support ...
    • M-Learning applied to the improvement of the learning of university engineering students 

      Petrlik Azabache, Iván; Rodriguez Rodriguez, Ciro; Lezama Gonzales, Pedro (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2019-09)
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      This paper is intended to determine the extent to which the M-learning model with methodological strategies improves the learning of student’s undergraduates of the Systems Engineering career. The method used was developed ...
    • A Cooperative Drawing Tool to Improve Children’s Creativity 

      Ponce Atencio, Yalmar; Ibarra Cabrera, Manuel; Asto Huaman, Leonidas (Springer, 2019-10-01)
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      Classroom meetings and cooperative homework typically require participants to be physically present in the room. In this setting, the whiteboard is a tool widely used to express ideas. However, nowadays it is more difficult ...
    • Motivational Program Based On The Polya Method To Improve The Solving Of Mathematical Problems 

      Esteves Pairazamán, Ambrocio Teodoro; Fernández Bedoya, Víctor Hugo; Ibarra Fretell, Walter Gregorio; Esteves Cárdenas, Veronica Liset (International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research, 2019-11)
      Acceso abierto
      Recent international evaluations regarding educational level have revealed that Peru is in the rankings of countries with the lowest performance in various subjects, including mathematics. The Polya method is presented as ...
    • Nanodevices Versus Bacteria in a Box: The Correspondence between Classical Electrodynamics and the Quantum Mechanics Path Integral 

      Nieto-Chaupis, Huber (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2019-11)
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      We use the Quantum Mechanics path integral to describe bacteria spatial dynamics inside a box that that is limited by constant electric potentials. While this potential can be materialized to some extent of being a physical ...
    • Application Based on Peruvian Sign Language for the Literacy of Parents of Deaf Children 

      Asto, Leonidas; Ibarra, Manuel; Jimenez, Wilber; Gamboa, Javier; Limachi, Jackeline; Ponce, Yalmar (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2019-11)
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      In this research work, we developed an application based on Augmented Reality (RA) to teach parents or guardians of deaf children. The problem is that parents have serious difficulties in communicating with their children, ...
    • Non-invasive Vital Signs Monitoring System with Real-Time Caution and Emergency Alerts 

      Cabanillas-Carbonell, Michael A.; Zapata-Paulini, Joselyn E. (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2019-11)
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      At present, many people suffer from respiratory or cardiovascular disease and must constantly attend health centers to perform their respective medical analysis, so there is a need to develop non-invasive devices to collect ...