Now showing items 161-180 of 490

    • Augmented reality for innovation: Education and analysis of the glacial retreat of the Peruvian Andean snow-capped mountains 

      Zapata-Paulini, Joselyn; Cabanillas-Carbonell, Michael; Iparraguirre-Villanueva, Orlando; Sierra-Liñan, Fernando; Baltozar-Clemente, Saul; Alvarez-Risco, Aldo; Yáñez, Jaime A. (Elsevier, 2023)
      Acceso abierto
      Mountain glaciers are considered great reservoirs of water, and their importance lies in the fact that many of our ecosystems and numerous communities depend on them; Peru has one of the largest extensions of Andean ...
    • Productivity of incident management with conversational bots-a review 

      Iparraguirre-Villanueva, Orlando; Obregon-Palomino, Luz; Pujay-Iglesias, Wilson; Sierra-Liñan, Fernando; Cabanillas-Carbonell, Michael (IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence (IJ-AI), 2023)
      Acceso abierto
      The use of conversational agents (bots) in information systems managed by company’s increases productivity in the development of activities focused on processes such as customer service, healthcare, and presentation. The ...
    • Predictive machine learning applying cross industry standard process for data mining for the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus type 2 

      Garcia-Rios, Victor; Marres-Salhuana, Marieta; Sierra-Liñan, Fernando; Cabanillas-Carbonell, Michael (IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence (IJ-AI), 2023)
      Acceso abierto
      Currently, type 2 diabetes mellitus is one of the world's most prevalent diseases and has claimed millions of people's lives. The present research aims to know the impact of the use of machine learning in the diagnostic ...
    • A Comprehensive Systematic Review of Neural Networks and Their Impact on the Detection of Malicious Websites in Network Users 

      Gamboa-Cruzado, Javier; Briceño-Ochoa, Juan; Huaysara-Ancco, Marco; Alva-Arévalo, Alberto; Ríos-Vargas, Caleb; Arangüena Yllanes, Magaly; Rodriguez-Baca, Liset S. (International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM), 2023)
      Acceso abierto
      The large branches of Machine Learning represent an immense support for the detection of malicious websites, they can predict whether a URL is malicious or benign, leaving aside the cyber attacks that can generate ...
    • Forest fire management using machine learning techniques 

      Harishchander, Anandaram; Nagalakshmi, M; Cosio Borda, Ricardo Fernando; Kiruthika, K; Yogadinesh, S (Elsevier, 2023)
      Acceso abierto
      As per the latest survey produced by the Forest Survey, the forest cover is 19.27% of the geographic area. According to this report every country can meet the human needs of 16% of the world’s population from the 1% of the ...
    • The Public Health Contribution of Sentiment Analysis of Monkeypox Tweets to Detect Polarities Using the CNN-LSTM Model 

      Iparraguirre-Villanueva, Orlando; Alvarez-Risco, Aldo; Herrera Salazar, Jose Luis; Beltozar-Clemente, Saul; Zapata-Paulini, Joselyn; Yáñez, Jaime A.; Cabanillas-Carbonell, Michael (MDPI, 2023)
      Acceso abierto
      Monkeypox is a rare disease caused by the monkeypox virus. This disease was considered eradicated in 1980 and was believed to affect rodents and not humans. However, recent years have seen a massive outbreak of monkeypox ...
    • Text prediction recurrent neural networks using long shortterm memory-dropout 

      Iparraguirre-Villanueva, Orlando; Guevara-Ponce, Victor; Ruiz-Alvarado, Daniel; Beltozar-Clemente, Saul; Sierra-Liñan, Fernando; Zapata-Paulini, Joselyn; Cabanillas-Carbonell, Michael (Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2023)
      Acceso abierto
      Unit short-term memory (LSTM) is a type of recurrent neural network (RNN) whose sequence-based models are being used in text generation and/or prediction tasks, question answering, and classification systems due to their ...
    • Search and classify topics in a corpus of text using the latent dirichlet allocation model 

      Iparraguirre-Villanueva, Orlando; Sierra-Liñan, Fernando; Herrera Salazar, Jose Luis; Beltozar-Clemente, Saul; Pucuhuayla-Revatta, Félix; Zapata-Paulini, Joselyn; Cabanillas-Carbonell, Michael (Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2023)
      Acceso abierto
      This work aims at discovering topics in a text corpus and classifying the most relevant terms for each of the discovered topics. The process was performed in four steps: first, document extraction and data processing; ...
    • Aplicación de Modelos de Aprendizaje Automático en la Detección de Fraudes en Transacciones Financieras 

      Dávila-Morán, Roberto Carlos; Castillo-Sáenz, Rafael Alan; Vargas-Murillo, Alfonso Renato; Velarde Dávila, Leonardo; García-Huamantumba, Elvira; García-Huamantumba, Camilo Fermín; Pasquel Cajas, Renzo Fidel; Guanilo Paredes, Carlos Enrique (Data & Metadata, 2023)
      Acceso abierto
      Introducción: la detección de fraude en transacciones financieras se ha convertido en una preocupación crítica en el panorama financiero actual. Las técnicas de aprendizaje automático se han convertido en una herramienta ...
    • Evaluation of the effectiveness of personal electronic health assistants in monitoring patients with chronic diseases 

      Villanueva De La Cruz, Manuel Benigno; Lévano Zegarra, Cecilia Isabel; Bustamante Vega, Roxana Maribel; Torres Sime, Cesar Lorenzo; Saldaña Narro, Julio Brayan; Ferrer-Peñaranda, Lucio-Arnulfo; Dávila-Morán, Roberto Carlos (EAI Endorsed Transactions on Pervasive Health and Technology, 2023)
      Acceso abierto
      Introduction: Chronic diseases pose significant challenges in healthcare, which has driven the development of electronic health solutions. The effectiveness of these solutions in the management of ...
    • Sustainable management and comprehensive administrative control of asphalt pavements case study, Perú 

      Lopez Almeida, Mercedes Evangelina; Huaraca Aparco, Rosa; Cahuana Lipa, Rocío; Machaca Mamani, Julio César; Cuaquera Villafuerte, Mario Moises; Mendoza Valenzuela, Jubenal; Merino Ascue, Esther Reyna; Flores Ccorisapra, Yovana; Ecos Ramos, Martha Teresa; Cañari Otero, Calixto; Quispe Chipana, Salvador; Flores Pacheco, Niki Franklin (International Conference on Sustainable Future and Environmental Science, 2023)
      Acceso abierto
      The management of asphalt pavements is of great importance for the development of road, motorway and airport runway infrastructures. For the company to achieve its goals, the use of administrative control instruments or ...
    • Evaluación formativa en la educación virtual: Revisión sistemática 

      Trujillo-Human, R.; Manco-Chávez, J.; Barazorda-Puga, N.; Crisostomo-Olivares, J.; Campos Saravia, R.; De La Cruz-Noriega, M. (LACCEI, 2023)
      Acceso abierto
      La evaluación formativa en la educación virtual juega un papel fundamental en el proceso educativo actual, siendo necesario conocer su desarrollo y aplicación debido a los cambios de modalidad educativa imprevistos. Este ...

      Flores Perozo, Inés; Eduardo Jesús, Garcés Rosendo; Navas Gotopo, Soratna; Campos Rosendo, Nelson Jesús; Pecho Rivera, María Cristina; Crisóstomo Olivares, Jorge (LACCEI, 2023)
      Acceso abierto
      Este proyecto tiene como principal objetivo el proponer un modelo operativo basado en la gestión del conocimiento para los procesos administrativos en las instituciones educativas. Con esto en mente, se tomó una población ...
    • Efectos de la metodología Aprendizaje servicio en el comportamiento ambiental de estudiantes de una universidad privada, Lima,2022 

      Ramírez Sáenz -Soto, Carmen; Campos -Rosendo, Nelson Jesús; Garcés -Rosendo, Eduardo Jesús; Arana -Meza, Luis Pompeyo; Flores -Alarcón, Nelly Mercedes; Lagos -Videla, Jessica; Navas, Soratna Verónica (LACCEI, 2023)
      Acceso abierto
      El artículo tiene como objetivo evaluar el efecto de la metodología Aprendizaje servicio sobre el comportamiento ambiental en estudiantes de una universidad privada en Lima, en el semestre 2022-2. La metodología fue de ...

      Campos Rosendo, Nelson Jesús; Navas Gotopo, Soratna; Garcés Rosendo, Eduardo Jesús; Revilla Salom, Thairis Andreina; Campos Saravia, Reynaldo; Barazorda Puga, Nancy; Crisóstomo Olivares, Jorge (Proceedings of the LACCEI international Multi-conference for Engineering, Education and Technology, 2023)
      Acceso abierto
      La presente investigación está dirigida a las instituciones de educación básica. El propósito de la misma fue proponer un plan Estratégico en TIC basado en la Gestión del Conocimiento, permitiendo con esto conformar líneas ...
    • The Theory of Planned Behaviour and the Entrepreneurial Intention of University Students 

      Bayona-Oré, Sussy (Journal of Turkish Science Education, 2023)
      Acceso abierto
      Businesses generate employment and are recognised as catalysts for the economy. A person who creates and manages a business is an entrepreneur and in a continually changing and complex environment, ...
    • Autodesarrollo del pensamiento crítico y la práctica reflexiva en docentes de educación primaria con vivencias de riesgo sanitario 

      Pérez Estrada, María Teresa; Garay Argandoña, Rafael; Hernández, Ronald M.; Tarazona Miranda, Víctor Hilario; Huaman Gutierrez, Zoraida Judith; Gallegos Montalvo, Hugo Emilio; López Vega, Iris Margot (Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Salud, 2023)
      Acceso abierto
      La contaminación del agua potable con diferentes químicos y metales pesados, liberados de diferentes fuentes antropogénicas, se ha convertido en una preocupación mundial. La contaminación del agua potable es un problema ...
    • Environmentally Responsible Purchase Intention in Pacific Alliance Countries: Geographic and Gender Evidence in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic 

      García-Salirrosas, Elizabeth Emperatriz; Niño-de-Guzmán, Juan Carlos; Gómez-Bayona, Ledy; Escobar-Farfán, Manuel (MDPI, 2023)
      Acceso abierto
      The objectives of this research were: (1) to examine the influence of environmental awareness (EA), sustainable consumption (SC) and social responsibility (SR) on the environmentally responsible purchase intention (ERPI) ...
    • Betting Scenario for the Management of University Professional Practices from the Conformation of Intersectoral Cooperation Networks 

      Marín-González, Freddy; Pérez-González, Judith; Senior-Naveda, Alexa; Narváez-Castro, Mercy; Rani Moganadas, Sharmila; Garcés-Rosendo, Eduardo (MDPI, 2023)
      Acceso abierto
      he professional practices represent a space for interorganizational and intersectoral alliances that contribute to the development of localities and regions. From this referent, the design and validation of intersectoral ...
    • Consumer Behavior after COVID-19: Interpersonal Influences, eWOM and Digital Lifestyles in More Diverse Youths 

      Müller-Pérez, Jessica; Acevedo-Duque, Ángel; Valenzuela Rettig, Pilar; García-Salirrosas, Elizabeth Emperatriz; Fernández-Mantilla, Mirtha Mercedes; Izquierdo-Marín, Sandra Sofía; Álvarez-Becerra, Rina (MDPI, 2023)
      Acceso abierto
      COVID-19 caused a major shift in consumer behavior online at companies that focused on offering products to a traditional and more diverse (LGBTTTQI+) market. For this reason, an online survey was carried out through the ...