Now showing items 75-94 of 510

    • Carbapenemase-Producing Bacteria Isolated from ICU Patients of a Peruvian Government Hospital during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Descriptive Analysis 

      García-Cedrón, David; De La Cruz Noriega, Magaly; Cabanillas-Chirinos, Luis; Milly Otiniano, Nélida; Rojas-Villacorta, Walter; Salvatierra-Espinola, Waldo; Diaz Del Aguila, Karen (MDPI, 2023)
      Acceso abierto
      Background and Objectives: In Peru, the presence of antimicrobial-resistant bacteria is a constant concern in hospitals and has likely increased in frequency during the pandemic. The objective of the study was to analyze ...
    • Changing Mathematical Paradigms at the University Level: Feedback from a Flipped Classroom at a Peruvian University 

      Beltozar-Clemente, Saul; Iparraguirre-Villanueva, Orlando; Zapata-Paulini, Joselyn; Cabanillas-Carbonell, Michael (International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM), 2023)
      Acceso abierto
      The university-level mathematics teaching adopted by many professors is still a traditional classroom, and many students’ perception of mathematics is that it is a complicated subject. The operationality of the flipped ...
    • Classical Electrodynamics and Green Functions with the Keller-Segel Equation 

      Nieto-Chaupis, Huber (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2020-12-16)
      Acceso restringido
      Bacteria can transport a well defined electric charge so that one can expect electrical interactions with different biochemical compounds in order to optimize their colonization in healthy hosts. This paper focuses on the ...
    • Classical Electrodynamics Formalism to Derive Quantum Mechanics Amplitude 

      Nieto-Chaupis, Huber (IEEE, 2023)
      Acceso restringido
      In some concrete examples such as the classical Compton backscattering, quantum mechanics phenomena can be also derived from rules given entirely inside the classical territory. In this paper the quantum mechanics amplitude ...
    • Classical Electrodynamics Predictions for LUXE and E-320 Experiments with 17 GeV electrons and TW Laser Collision 

      Nieto-Chaupis, Huber (IEEE, 2023)
      Acceso restringido
      The experiments LUXE at DESY Germany and E-320 at SLAC USA, are aimed to test strong-field QED for 15 +- 3 GeV electrons and TW laser pulses. In concrete both experiments will demonstrate the dominance of nonperturbative ...
    • Classical Nonlinear Compton Scattering with Strong Bessel Laser Beams 

      Nieto-Chaupis, Huber (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2021-12)
      Acceso restringido
      In this paper, the Hartemann-Kerman approach is numerically examined with the implementation of Bessel pulses that dramatically changes the morphology of yielded radiation. For this end it is used the covariant Bessel pulse ...
    • Classification of Peruvian Flours via NIR Spectroscopy Combined with Chemometrics 

      Martínez-Julca, Milton; Nazario-Naveda, Renny; Gallozzo-Cárdenas, Moises; Rojas-Flores, Segundo; Chinchay-Espino, Hector; Alvarez-Escobedo, Amilu; Murga-Torres, Emzon (MDPI, 2023)
      Acceso abierto
      Nowadays, nutritional foods have a great impact on healthy diets. In particular, maca, oatmeal, broad bean, soybean, and algarrobo are widely used in different ways in the daily diets of many people due to their nutritional ...
    • Classification of Tweets Related to Natural Disasters Using Machine Learning Algorithms 

      Iparraguirre-Villanueva, Orlando; Melgarejo-Graciano, Melquiades; Castro-Leon, Gloria; Olaya-Cotera, Sandro; John, Ruiz-Alvarado; Epifanía-Huerta, Andrés; Cabanillas-Carbonell, Michael; Zapata-Paulini, Joselyn (International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM), 2023)
      Acceso abierto
      Abstract—In recent years, computer science has advanced exponentially, helping significantly to identify and classify text extracted from social networks, specifically Twitter. This work identifies, classifies, and analyzes ...
    • Cluster Monitoring and Integration in Technology Company 

      Castro Ayarza, Veronica; Bayona-Oré, Sussy (Springer, 2020)
      Acceso restringido
      Companies currently use cluster technologies as a platform for applications that support their core business services. Implementing clustering technologies ensure high availability for mission-critical applications and ...
    • CMMI and IDEAL in software process improvement 

      Bayona-Oré, Sussy; Chamilco, Josselyn; Perez, Dayvis (World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society, 2020-03-31)
      Acceso abierto
      Different models and standards have been developed with the purpose of improving software development processes and obtaining quality products and achieving customer satisfaction. Despite the efforts that organizations ...
    • Cognitive reflections in children with ADHD and proposals to promote logical thinking 

      Salvatierra Melgar, Ángel; Quispe-Cutipa, Walter Arturo; Reyes-Blácido, Irma; Rodriguez-Baca, Liset Sulay; Guevara-Duarez, Manuel Felipe; Alarcón-Diaz, Mitchell Alberto (Turkish Physiotherapy Association, 2021)
      Acceso abierto
      The present study shows the need to reflect on the sequences of cognitive processes of logical thinking in children with ADHD, andit also provides strategies to promote them. The research was carried out on a sample of 11 ...
    • Coherent Molecular Communications By Using Quantum Mechanics 

      Nieto-Chaupis, Huber (IEEE, 2023)
      Acceso restringido
      Just like light, molecules might be exhibiting a wavelike behavior. In this case, molecules might be subjected to quantum mechanics. Under this scenario, molecules abandons their deterministic and their spatial displacement ...
    • Combined Monte Carlo and Machine Learning Algorithms to Predict Horizontal Expansion of Lima City 

      Nieto-Chaupis, Huber (IEEE, 2022)
      Acceso restringido
      In this paper, the method of Monte Carlo is projected onto the Mitchell criteria inside the framework of Machine Learning. Because the probabilistic character that exhibits the theory of Mitchell, the Monte Carlo technology ...
    • Comentario a mitos y realidades de la enseñanza remota 

      González Aguilar, Hugo (Elsevier, 2022-04)
      Acceso abierto
      Señor director: He revisado atentamente el manuscrito que analiza la enseñanza remota en el contexto actual1. Es relevante porque reflexiona sobre los cambios de la enseñanza virtual como consecuencia de la pandemia de ...
    • Comentario al artículo “Validez, confiabilidad y baremación para medir la auto-percepción del estrés académico de estudiantes universitarios” 

      Salgado-Lévano, Cecilia; Bueno-Salgado, Gracia; González Aguilar, Hugo (Academia de Ciencias Médicas de Bilbao, 2021-06)
      Acceso abierto
      Sr. Director: En el volumen 116(4), de la revista Gaceta Médica de Bilbao, el artículo “Validez, confiabilidad y baremación para medir la auto-percepción del estrés académico de estudiantes universitarios” es relevante ...
    • Comentario al artículo: “Cuestionario para medir conductas alimentarias de riesgo de malnutrición por exceso en adolescentes” 

      Salgado-Lévano, Cecilia; González Aguilar, Hugo; Bueno Salgado, Gracia (Sociedad Española de Nutrición Parenteral, 2020)
      Acceso abierto
      Sr. Director: En el número 1 del volumen 37 de la revista Nutrición Hospitalaria, el artículo “Cuestionario para medir conductas alimentarias de riesgo de malnutrición por exceso en adolescentes” es relevante porque, como ...
    • La competencia intercultural en la formación profesional 

      González Aguilar, Hugo Augencio (Ciencias Médicas, 2018-08)
      Acceso abierto
      Sr. Editor: He revisado atentamente el artículo titulado La formación de las competencias de los profesionales del Instituto de Medicina Tropical "Pedro Kourí". Sus aportes son valiosos en la formación profesional, ...

      Tassara-Salviati, Carlos Francisco José; Vargas-Merino, Jorge Alberto; Rivarola Ganosa, Iván; Quispe-Huarancca, Jhimi; Escudero-Simon, William Gilberto (Fundación para la investigación social avanzada, 2023)
      Acceso abierto
      Las competencias digitales son un factor clave para la empleabilidad de todo profesional, en especial del administrador de empresas. Este estudio tuvo por objetivo principal determinar si existen ...
    • Competencias para el Emprendimiento en el Contexto Covid-19 

      Bayona-Oré, Sussy (Associação Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informacao, 2022-04)
      Acceso abierto
      El emprendimiento es un proceso creativo que contribuye a la generación de empleo y una pieza clave para la prosperidad económica y acelerador de la innovación. Es un proceso que empieza con la intención de emprender y ...
    • La Complejidad en las Dinámicas de innovación tecnológica y emprendimiento en los contextos intersectoriales 

      NAVAS, Soratna V.; GARCES, Eduardo J.; CAMPOS, Nelson J.; PECHO, María C. (Internaltional Institute of Informatics and Systemics, 2023)
      Acceso abierto
      El artículo tiene como objetivo exponer el diseño de un programa estratégico de formación en emprendimiento e innovación tecnológica en un ámbito de intersectorialidad entre organizaciones empresariales e instituciones ...