Now showing items 1-10 of 18
Machine Learning Analysis for Cervical Cancer Prediction, a Systematic Review of the Literature
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2021-12-30)
At present, cervical cancer is still the most complex issue due to the fact that people who suffer from it have a high risk of death. Therefore, it is very important to have an early diagnosis. The present study is a review ...
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Bioelectrical Circuit from Charged Proteins as Biomarker of Renal Damage
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2021-12-15)
At first phases of renal damage, kidney would allow to pass giant proteins such as albumin whose size is of order of nm., surpassing the glomerular zone and therefore going to the Bowman's space. In this manner at the ...
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Electrical Consequences of Protein-Glucose Interactions in the Human Kidneys
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2021-10-22)
As it is well-known, diabetic patients might to develop crisis in the renal apparatus either in the middle or long time [1]. This crisis is imminently attained to the high concentrations of glucose. In fact, under the ...
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Proteins-Based Circuits in an Intelligent Internet of Bio-Nano Things Network for Molecular Diagnostic of Renal Damage
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2021-10-18)
It is shown that the accumulation of albumin proteins around the locations of podocytes is rather similar to a R-C (Resistance-Capacitor) circuit. While the electric shielding is not enough to detain the pass of albumin, ...
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Theory and Parameterization of Infections and Waves by Covid-19: A 6-Countries Data Analysis
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2021-12-15)
From data of USA, Japan, Germany, UK, Italy and Russian, it is claimed that the Global pandemic dictated by the dynamics of Corona virus exhibits distributions that would correspond to a morphology of Bessel-like type. ...
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Computational Simulation of Charged Nanoparticles Diffusion in Vascular Tissue
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2021-11)
Apparition of abnormal vasculature is common at the first phases of tumor growth. It is known as angiogenesis having the whole process various phases. This is also seen as a random migration of cells that require the flux ...
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Spreading of Corona Virus in Central Europe: The Cases of Italy and Spain and the Very Beginning of Pandemic
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2021-11)
In this paper a mathematical model that focuses at the very beginning of pandemic at Europe is presented. In essence it is assumed that once the virus arrived to Italy then the geographical propagation was done through ...
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Theory and Simulation of Electromagnetic Systems Governed by Machine Learning Principles
(IEEE, 2022)
This paper proposes the idea that electromagnetic systems can be formulated through probabilities once the system has been understood by the classical physics. With this, several physical observables are estimated. Also, ...
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Bunching Effects at Emitted Radiation from GeV Electrons in a Strong Laser at Future TW Experiments
(IEEE, 2023)
Future experiments that consider the collision of GeV electrons and TW laser have as central objective to probe non-perturbative QED at the strong field where processes derived from Schwinger critic field can be observed. ...
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The Criteria of Mitchell to Interpret Classical Radiation as Compton Scattering
(IEEE, 2022)
The principles of Machine Learning through the criteria of Mitchell are used to validate a concrete quantum-mechanics interpretation from a classical radiation scheme inside the framework of linear and nonlinear Compton ...
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