Now showing items 222-241 of 510

    • Impact of Dragon Fruit Waste in Microbial Fuel Cells to Generate Friendly Electric Energy 

      Rojas-Flores, Segundo; Benites, Santiago M.; De La Cruz-Noriega, Magaly; Vives-Garnique, Juan; Otiniano, Nélida Milly; Rojas-Villacorta, Walter; Gallozzo-Cardenas, Moisés; Delfín-Narciso, Daniel; Díaz, Felix (MDPI, 2023-04-27)
      Acceso abierto
      Pollution generated by the misuse of large amounts of fruit and vegetable waste has become a major environmental and social problem for developing countries due to the absence of specialized collection centers for this ...
    • Impact of Labor Autonomy and Work-Life Balance on Job Satisfaction in Teleworking 

      García-Salirrosas, Elizabeth Emperatriz; Rondon-Eusebio, Rafael Fernando (ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2023)
      Acceso restringido
      The objective of this research was to determine the impact of work autonomy and work-life balance on job satisfaction in teleworking. The non-probabilistic sampling technique was used for convenience, cross-sectional of ...
    • Impacto de las estrategias de difusión en el nivel de conocimiento de la población acerca de los trastornos de conducta alimentaria 

      Huaman Rojas, Celeste; Olivares Cruz, Valeria; Ventura Pilcón, Marilyn; Rojas Flores, Segundo (Proceedings of the LACCEI international Multi-conference for Engineering, Education and Technology, 2023)
      Acceso abierto
      Los trastornos de conducta alimentaria (TCA) son afecciones que, en los últimos años, han ido en aumento, debido a factores sociales y familiares, entre los cuales se perpetúan comportamientos y hábitos no saludables para ...
    • Impacto de los videojuegos activos en conductas sedentarias en niños en edad escolar 

      Dávila-Morán, Roberto Carlos; Ruiz Nizama, José Leonor; Castillo-Sáenz, Rafael Alan; Torres Sime, Cesar Lorenzo; Saldaña Narro, Julio Brayan; Peña Huertas, José Gustavo (Federación Española de Asociaciones de Docentes de Educación Física (FEADEF), 2023)
      Acceso abierto
      En el panorama contemporáneo, los videojuegos han evolucionado de simples pasatiempos a formas de entretenimiento interactivas y envolventes que abarcan una amplia gama de géneros y plataformas. Sin embargo, esta evolución ...
    • Impacto del mindfulness en el estrés en trabajadores de una universidad de Lima sur 

      Oblitas Guadalupe, Luís A.; Anicama Gómez, José; Bayona Oré, Luz S.; Bazán Navarro, Ciro E.; Ferrel Ortega, Fernando R.; Núñez Gómez, Nicolás A. (Universidad del Norte, 2019)
      Acceso abierto
      Objetivo: Evaluar el impacto de un programa de mindfulness en el estrés fisiológico, distrés emocional, estrés percibido y estrés laboral en un grupo de trabajadores. Materiales y métodos: Participaron 28 trabajadores ...
    • Implementation of the Lean Construction Methodology in the Management of the Material Transportation Process- A Review 

      Iparraguirre-Villanueva, Orlando; Taico-Valverde, Bryan; Velezmoro-Abanto, Lesly; Cabanillas-Carbonell, Michael (Seventh Sense Research Group®, 2023)
      Acceso abierto
      One of the biggest problems in the construction industry that often generates delays and loss of value in the construction site are the processes related to the management of material transportation. These processes are ...
    • Improving Environmental Sustainability: A Geolocation-Based Mobile Application to Optimize the Recycling Process 

      Iparraguirre-Villanueva, Orlando; Tuesta-Pereda, Luis; Tapia-Chavez, Elvis; Cabanillas-Carbonell, Michael (International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM), 2023)
      Acceso abierto
      Environmental pollution caused by human activities is a global concern, and recycling is an effective strategy to reduce waste and minimize its negative impact on the environment, as these pollutants can have detrimental ...
    • Improving industrial security device detection with convolutional neural networks 

      Iparraguirre-Villanueva, Orlando; Gonzales-Huaman, Josemaria; Machuca-Solano, Jose; Ruiz-Alvarado, John (Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES), 2023)
      Acceso abierto
      Employee safety is paramount in the manufacturing industry to ensure their well-being and protection. Technological advancements, particularly convolutional neural networks (CNN), have significantly enhanced this safety ...
    • Improving the Ca2+ Signaling Performance Through the Bennett-Brassard Protocol 

      Nieto-Chaupis, Huber (IEEE, 2023)
      Acceso restringido
      Since Calcium 2+ ions are expected to play a role as to sustain the desired homeostasis in cells, therefore the signaling of them constitutes a relevant aspect to optimize an efficient treatment of cells in a framework of ...
    • In Vitro Compatibility of Three Native Isolates of Trichoderma with the Insecticide Chlorpyrifos 

      Sabogal-Vargas, Ana María; Wilson-Krugg, Juan; Rojas-Villacorta, Walter; De La Cruz-Noriega, Magaly; Nelida Milly, Otiniano; Rojas-Flores, Segundo; Mendoza-Villanueva, Karol (MDPI, 2023-01-06)
      Acceso abierto
      The compatibility between biocontrol agents and pesticides seems to be a sustainable control strategy in agriculture. Therefore, the in vitro compatibility of three native isolates of Trichoderma was evaluated in three ...
    • In Vitro Effect of Molasses Concentration, pH, and Time on Chromium Removal by Trichoderma spp. from the Effluents of a Peruvian Tannery 

      Tello-Galarreta, Fabricio A.; Durand-Paz, Juan H.; Rojas-Villacorta, Walter; Cabanillas-Chirinos, Luis; De La Cruz-Noriega, Magaly; Nazario-Naveda, Renny; Benites, Santiago M.; Rojas-Flores, Segundo (MDPI, 2023-05-11)
      Acceso abierto
      The effluents generated by the tannery industry have a high content of chromium and other toxic elements, representing a potential threat to ecosystems. An eco-friendly alternative to treat these effluents is the use of ...
    • In Vitro Effect of the Fungicide Fitoklin on Spore Germination and Mycelial Growth of Trichoderma asperellum 

      Salvatierra Espinola, Waldo; Muñoz Ríos, Miguel; Rojas-Villacorta, Walter; De La Cruz, Noriega Magaly; Rojas-Flores, Segundo; Benites, Santiago M.; Nazario-Naveda, Renny; Sabogal Vargas, Ana María; Mendoza-Villanueva, K. (Springer Link, 2023)
      Acceso restringido
      The main objective was determining the in vitro tolerance between Trichoderma asperellum and the fungicide Fitoklin. Therefore, the effect of the fungicide on germination and the growth of T. asperellum was evaluated. The ...
    • Incidencia del mindfulness en el estrés académico en estudiantes universitarios: Un estudio controlado 

      Oblitas Guadalupe, Luís A.; Soto Vásquez, Duber Enrique; Anicama Gómez, José Carlos; Arana Sánchez, Adolfo A. (Sociedad Chilena de Psicologia Clinica, 2019-06)
      Acceso abierto
      El mindfulness es un método cognitivo que consiste en prestar atención plena al cuerpo, respiración, pensamientos, emociones, y conductas, que se utiliza para reducir el estrés, dolor, ansiedad y depresión, el cual cuenta ...
    • Incorporación de nanopartículas de plata biosintetizadas en películas biodegradables activas de almidón de papa 

      Nazario-Naveda, R.; Delfín-Narciso, D.; Juárez-Cortijo, L.; Rojas-Flores, S.; Castillo-Ramírez, A.; Chavín-Castillo, C.; Duran-Zambrano, M. (LACCEI international Multi-conference for Engineering, Education and Technology, 2022)
      Acceso abierto
      En este trabajo se presenta el estudio del efecto de la incorporación de nanopartículas de plata biosintetizadas sobre las propiedades de películas biodegradables fabricadas a partir de almidón de papa y comprobar su ...
    • Increase in Electrical Parameters Using Sucrose in Tomato Waste 

      Rojas-Flores, Segundo; De La Cruz-Noriega, Magaly; Benites, Santiago M.; Delfín-Narciso, Daniel; Angelats-Silva, Luis; Díaz, Felix; Cabanillas-Chirinos, Luis; Silva-Palacios, Fernanda (MDPI, 2022-07)
      Acceso abierto
      The use of organic waste as fuel for energy generation will reduce the great environmental problems currently caused by the consumption of fossil sources, giving agribusiness companies a profitable way to use their waste. ...
    • Indicadores de riesgo y comunicación en salud mental sobre consumo de sustancias psicoactivas y violencia intrafamiliar en líderes comunitarias 

      Ferrel Ortega, Fernando Robert; Ferrel Ballestas, Lucía Fernanda; Oblitas Guadalupe, Luís A.; Yáñez Canal, Humberto (Universidad del Norte, 2017)
      Acceso abierto
      Objetivo: Describir el nivel de comunicación ofrecido a la comunidad en el marco de la red de salud mental distrital, tomando como referente el riesgo para consumo de sustancias psicoactivas y de violencia intrafamiliar ...
    • Indirect Measurement of Shannon Entropy of Albumin Excretion Rate at the Renal Disease 

      Nieto-Chaupis, Huber (IEEE, 2023)
      Acceso restringido
      If the Albumin Excretion Rate (AER) might be measured through advanced techniques belonging to Internet of Bionano Things (IBNT) then it is also possible to measure the level of entropy. As known at the literature, it is ...
    • Influence of Annealing Temperature on the Nanostructural Formation of Ti4Ti5O12 Lithium Battery Anode Material 

      Nazario-Naveda, Renny; Rojas-Flores, Segundo; Gallozzo-Cárdenas, Moises; Juárez-Cortijo, Luisa; Delfín-Narciso, Daniel; Martinez-Julca, Milton Martinez-Julca (IEEE, 2023)
      Acceso restringido
      In this study, Li 4 Ti 5 O 12 (LTO) was synthesized by the sol-gel method, and the influence of the annealing temperature on the formation of the spinel structure of the material was studied for its use as anode material ...
    • Influence of Augmented Reality for the learning of Geometric Solids in Primary School students 

      Buitrón-Luna, Juan; Cabanillas-Carbonell, Michael (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2021-11-30)
      Acceso restringido
      Currently, technological advances have had relevance in different factors of daily life, however, in many educational centers it has not been used for the benefit of education. The objective of this research was to influence ...
    • Influence of COVID-19 on Environmental Awareness, Sustainable Consumption, and Social Responsibility in Latin American Countries 

      Valenzuela-Fernández, Leslier; Guerra-Velásquez, Mauricio; Escobar-Farfán, Manuel; García-Salirrosas, Elizabeth Emperatriz (MDPI, 2022)
      Acceso abierto
      This article aims to investigate the effect that COVID-19 has on environmental awareness, sustainable consumption, and consumer social responsibility. Although some recent research focused on this phenomenon, there are ...