Browsing by Subject "Quantum mechanics"
Now showing items 1-20 of 27
Classical Nonlinear Compton Scattering with Strong Bessel Laser Beams
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2021-12)Acceso restringidoIn this paper, the Hartemann-Kerman approach is numerically examined with the implementation of Bessel pulses that dramatically changes the morphology of yielded radiation. For this end it is used the covariant Bessel pulse ... -
Dalitz Plots in Classical Electrodynamics of Light-Matter Interactions
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2021-09-30)Acceso restringidoOne of the most prominent techniques to search for new resonances and masses of elementary and composed particles is called the Dalitz’s plot [1][2]. The technique is used on the decays of up to three bodies. In this manner, ... -
Duality at Classical Electrodynamics and its Interpretation through Machine Learning Algorithms
((IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 2022)Acceso abiertoThe aim of this paper is to investigate the hypothetical duality of classical electrodynamics and quantum mechanics through the usage of Machine Learning principles. Thus, the Mitchell’s criteria are used. Essentially ... -
Electrical Currents from Diffusion Equation and Electrodynamics at Targeted Drug Delivery Strategies
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2021-10-22)Acceso restringidoThis paper presents a theoretical approach of a prospective scheme inside Nanomedicine known as Targeted Drug Delivery (TDD) based entirely on Classical Electrodynamics. Under the assumption that nanoparticles can be ... -
Improving the Ca2+ Signaling Performance Through the Bennett-Brassard Protocol
(IEEE, 2023)Acceso restringidoSince Calcium 2+ ions are expected to play a role as to sustain the desired homeostasis in cells, therefore the signaling of them constitutes a relevant aspect to optimize an efficient treatment of cells in a framework of ... -
Machine Learning Based in Quantum Mechanics and Theorem of Bayes
(IEEE, 2023)Acceso restringidoThis paper proposes a hybrid model of machine learning, based at the principles of quantum mechanics in conjunction to Bayes theorem. With such construction, it is tested onto a scenario dictated by the Mitchell criteria. ... -
Nanodevices Based on Quantum Mechanics and Classsical Electrodynamics as Vascular Endothelial Growth Blockers to Detain Angiogenesis
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2020-09-01)Acceso restringidoThe processes of angiogenesis have among their initial phases the processes such as the vascular endothelial growth (VEG) in order to guarantee the consistent sprouting and splitting of new blood vessels whose main purpose ... -
Neurogenesis as a Probability Amplitude Governed by Charges-Dependent Hamiltonian
(IEEE, 2022)Acceso restringidoInspired on the idea of Mathew P. A. Fisher about the possibility that quantum mechanics is playing some basic roles on the biochemical processes in the brain, this paper has opted by develop a theory based on the description ... -
Neurogenesis Based in Quantum Mechanics Governed by Ions Interaction and Coherent States
(IEEE, 2022)Acceso restringidoUnder the assumption that neurogenesis is a fully random process then some laws such as the ones belonging to quantum mechanics might be applied. In this paper, it is assumed that along the process of creation of new ... -
Probabilistic Neural Synapse Based in Quantum Mechanics
(IEEE, 2022)Acceso restringidoThe process of synaptic transmission is projected onto the territory of quantum mechanics. Thus, the electric interactions are seen as probabilistic events more than a deterministic one. In this manner, the neurotransmitter ... -
Prospective Internet Running Under an In Band Full Duplex Scheme Based on Quantum Mechanics
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2019-11)Acceso restringidoOnce quantum computer is running it is possible to expect that more quantum computers are interconnected in the same manner as the classical ones, so that Internet is seen as an imminent task in these advanced devices. As ... -
Quantization of Energies with Machine Learning Without Quantum Mechanics
(IEEE, 2025-02-26)Acceso restringidoThe field of Machine Learning through the technique of artificial neural network is used to determine in a straightforward manner the quantized energies of a particle in an infinite well. To accomplish this, unphysical ... -
Quantization with Infinite Classical Fields: The Quantum/Classical Correspondence
(IEEE, 2023)Acceso restringidoIt is shown that quantization of an external field apart of being intrinsic in quantum field theories, it can be also done in a fully scenario of classical electrodynamics. In this paper the quantization of field is ... -
Quantum Displacements Dictated by Machine Learning Principles: Towards Optimization of Quantum Paths
(Springer Link, 2023)Acceso restringidoIn Physics the energy of any system represents a sensitive variable because of it depends the functionality and evolution of system at time. Thus the deep knowledge of the interactions of system might be a remarkable ... -
Quantum Effects without Quantum Fields: Feynman's Amplitudes in Classical Electrodynamics
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2019-12)Acceso restringidoWe derived their classical counterpart of Feynman's amplitudes for electron and photons interaction in the super-intense regime through the Hartemann-Kerman theory in conjunction to the Reiss-Eberly criterion of quantization. ... -
Quantum Mechanics Formalism for Modeling the Flux of BitCoins
(Springer, 2020)Acceso restringidoBecause bitcoins processes depend on Internet transactions, one can argue that the dynamics of flux and volume of bitcoins might be subject to stochastic instead of a pure determinism event. By knowing that Quantum Mechanics ... -
Quantum Mechanics of Theorem of Bayes Modeled by Machine Learning Principles
(IEEE, 2022)Acceso restringidoA theory consisting in quantum mechanics and theorem of Bayes, is presented. In essence, the Bayes probability has been built from two subspaces. While in one some quantum measurements are done, in the another it is seen ... -
Quantum Theory of Molecular Communications in Nanomedicine
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2020-11-11)Acceso restringidoIt is well-known that Nanomedicine will use all those available techniques of Nanotechnology to alleviate and surpass critic scenarios of diseases by the which current Medicine might be limited. In this paper, we explore ... -
Scheme of Secure Satellite Intercommunications Based at Solar Photons
(IEEE, 2022)Acceso restringidoWith the advent of novel Internet technologies it is clearly expected that most of them will have practical applications such as the recent Internet called Internet of Space Things. When this new technologies are running ... -
Scrutinize of X-rays Compton Scattering Through the Classical Hartemann-Kerman Model and Dalitz-like Plots Technique
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2021-12)Acceso restringidoIn this paper the identification of harmonics of high order due to the interaction of a GeV electron and a super-intense laser pulse with linear polarization is done. For this it is used the technique known as the Dalitz’s ...