Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Mathematical modeling of global covid-19 fatalities 

      Marín-Machuca, Olegario; Humala-Caycho, Yuri Esquilo; Chinchay-Barragán, Carlos Enrique; Yataco-Velásquez, Luis Andrés; Rojas Rueda, María del Pilar; Bonilla-Ferreyra, Jorge Luis; Perez-Ton, Luis Adolfo; Marín-Sánchez, Obert (Learning Gate, 2025-02-26)
      Acceso abierto
      Objective. Determine was mathematically modeled using the expression𝑁=𝑀(1+𝑄×𝑒−𝑘×𝑡)⁄, which is a predictive equation. Using this model, the number of deaths due to COVID-19 worldwide ...
    • Variability and Wave Power for Open Ocean Wave Conditions of the Peru Basin 

      De La Torre, Dennys; Ortega, Arturo (IEEE, 2022)
      Acceso restringido
      Technologies for converting wave energy to electricity are not mature yet. It is necessary to understand the characteristics and potential of the wave climate of the local area where wave energy converters will be installed. ...