Browsing by Title
Now showing items 2112-2131 of 3280
Limitations in Thesis Development of Systems Engineering: Knowledge and Skills
(Springer, 2021)Acceso restringidoThe thesis development is a combined process that requires the student’s knowledge, skills, and self-determination to complete the thesis and reach the desired degree. Despite the efforts made by students, research supervisor ... -
Limitations on the Phases and Activities of Thesis Development
(RISTI - Revista Iberica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informacao, 2023)Acceso restringidoThe thesis is part of the scientific production of universities and in the case of undergraduate students, allows them to achieve the professional title. Several studies argue that the process of preparing the thesis is ... -
Límites de la intervención notarial en la prevención del delito de blanqueo de capitales, 2016
(Universidad Autónoma del Perú, 2021-08)Acceso abiertoDentro del compliance empresarial y gubernamental tenemos políticas criminales para establecer un programa de cumplimiento donde se establece la prevención de la corrupción de funcionarios dentro de una notaría, estudio ... -
Las liquidaciones de compra y su relación en la determinación del impuesto a la renta de la empresa Errkym S.A.C. Lurín, Perú - periodo 2019
(Universidad Autónoma del Perú, 2021-03)Acceso abiertoLa presente investigación se desarrolló con el objetivo de determinar la relación que existe entre las liquidaciones de compra y la determinación del Impuesto a la Renta en la empresa Errkym S.A.C. durante el periodo 2019, ... -
La liquidez y su relación con la rentabilidad en D & D contratistas generales E.I.R.L., 2022
(Universidad Autónoma del Perú, 2024-04-25)Acceso abiertoEste proyecto fue con el fin en diagnosticar la conexión de las variables: Liquidez con la rentabilidad en D & D Contratistas Generales E.I.R.L., periodo 2022, siendo nuestra principal presunción si gestionando adecuadamente ... -
Literature Review: Evaluation of Drug Removal Techniques in Municipal and Hospital Wastewater
(MDPI, 2022-10)Acceso abiertoThere are several techniques for the removal of pharmaceuticals (drugs) from wastewater; however, strengths and weaknesses have been observed in their elimination processes that limit their applicability. Therefore, we ... -
Location-based Mobile Application for Blood Donor Search
(The Science and Information Organization, 2022)Acceso abiertoTechnological advances and the massive use of mobile devices have led to the exponential evolution of mobile applications in the health sector. Blood donation centers frequently suffer blood shortages due to lack of ... -
Logística de abastecimiento y optimización de almacén en la empresa Rialfe S.A.C., Santiago de Surco - 2022
(Universidad Autónoma del Perú, 2024-02-05)Acceso abiertoEl trabajo de suficiencia profesional analiza cómo problema principal la deficiente gestión de logística y sobre todo del abastecimiento de almacén y proponer la transformación digital de los procesos, para ello mi ... -
Logística de distribución y calidad de servicio en los colaboradores del Centro de Distribución Sodimac, Lurín - 2020
(Universidad Autónoma del Perú, 2021-02)Acceso abiertoEl objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la relación que existe entre la logística de distribución y la calidad de servicio de los colaboradores del área logística omnicanal MAT del centro de distribución Sodimac Lurín. ... -
Logística del material aeronáutico y desempeño laboral del personal del servicio de abastecimiento técnico de la Fuerza Aérea del Perú, periodo 2020
(Universidad Autónoma del Perú, 2023-04-14)Acceso abiertoLa investigación tuvo como objetivo establecer el nivel de relación que presenta la logística del material aeronáutico y desempeño laboral del personal del servicio de abastecimiento técnico de la Fuerza Aérea del Perú. ... -
Logo program to strengthen phonological awareness in 5 year-old children of educational institutions in Peru
(International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research, 2019-11)Acceso abiertoThe objective of this investigation was to confirm the effects of the application of the speech-therapy program to strengthen phonological awareness in children of 5 years of educational institutions in Lima, Peru. A sample ... -
Loneliness and Anxiety before Death in Older Adults
(Editorial Ciencias Medicas, 2023)Acceso restringidoIntroduction: The stage of old age facilitates the appearance of a loneliness feeling, which can increase the vulnerability of older adults to illness and deterioration of their mental health. Objective: To describe the ... -
M-Learning applied to the improvement of the learning of university engineering students
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2019-09)Acceso restringidoThis paper is intended to determine the extent to which the M-learning model with methodological strategies improves the learning of student’s undergraduates of the Systems Engineering career. The method used was developed ... -
Machine Learning Analysis for Cervical Cancer Prediction, a Systematic Review of the Literature
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2021-12-30)Acceso restringidoAt present, cervical cancer is still the most complex issue due to the fact that people who suffer from it have a high risk of death. Therefore, it is very important to have an early diagnosis. The present study is a review ... -
Machine Learning Analysis in the Prediction of Diabetes Mellitus: A Systematic Review of the Literature
(Springer Link, 2023)Acceso restringidoIn recent years, diabetes mellitus has increased its prevalence in the global landscape, and currently, due to COVID-19, people with diabetes mellitus are the most likely to develop a critical picture of this disease. In ... -
Machine Learning and Bayes Probability For Detecting Camouflaged Mini Pandemic at the Waves of Covid-19
(IEEE, 2022)Acceso restringidoThis paper present a methodology based at Machine Learning and a theory backed by the Bayes probability to identify rare strains that might not be in coherence with the corona virus. By using the criteria of Tom Mitchell ... -
Machine Learning and Covid-19 Data Predict Next Intercontinental Pandemic
(IEEE, 2023)Acceso restringidoExperiences from past Covid-19 pandemic have led to explore the actions that were taken previous time to the implementation of policies in a fast and optimal manner. Because of this actions the arrival of virus to a country ... -
Machine Learning As a Blind Creator of Infinite Algebras in the Context of Strings Theory
(IEEE, 2023)Acceso restringidoThis paper, presents the scenario that basic algorithms based at the principles of Machine Learning can massively produce a huge amount of algebras. The case of Witt algebra has been focused. Once this algebra is reformulated ... -
Machine Learning As an Advanced Algorithm To Solve Optimization Problems in Physics
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2021-08-19)Acceso restringidoIt is argued that the standard procedures to solve problems in physics particularly in the field of electrodynamics have in a tacit manner the actions of Machine Learning, such as the criteria of Tom Mitchell, (i) task, ... -
Machine Learning Based in Quantum Mechanics and Theorem of Bayes
(IEEE, 2023)Acceso restringidoThis paper proposes a hybrid model of machine learning, based at the principles of quantum mechanics in conjunction to Bayes theorem. With such construction, it is tested onto a scenario dictated by the Mitchell criteria. ...